About Us
Hedgehog Toastmasters: we are the speakers’ club of Buxtehude and we meet regularly to practice free speech. No teachers, but peers. Learn more about us!

2-minute video about our Hedgehog Toastmasters club
Have a look at what we do in our speakers’ club in Buxtehude! Gain insight into our club meetings with warm-up round, speeches and evaluations. If you live in the Buxtehude area and think that Toastmasters could be the right thing for you, we would be happy to hear from you!
(Thanks for the music: Gemafreie Musik von musicfox)
The reasons why we are with Toastmasters
Why are we members of Toastmasters? The reasons are as varied as the members:
To have the opportunity to speak English, to overcome speech anxiety or to practice communication skills for the job….
In these videos we tell you why we are with Toastmasters, what we particularly like and what benefits we get from being members of Toastmasters.
“I want to keep my English alive” (video 49 sec)
“I wanted to have interaction with people in an international organization”(video 50 sec)
“I like to play with the language” (video 44 sec)
“It’s a nice group and I enjoy the bi-weekly meetings” (video 31 sec)
“I have overcome my fear of public speaking” (video 60 sec)
“Why did I join Toastmasters? What kind of question is that? :-)” (video 46 sec)
Develop speaking and leadership skills in a safe and fun place
Each member in our club has individual goals, be they personal or professional. We are of different age and come from different professions. What unites us is that we want to become better speakers and enjoy supporting each other in an appreciative community.
Established in 1989, Hedgehog Toastmasters Club is a public speaking and leadership training organization located in Buxtehude. We are a club of 12 members and we meet twice a month. Our club belongs to Toastmasters International, a nonprofit educational organization with a network of clubs all over the world.
Members worldwide
Members in our club

Our Hedgehog Toastmasters Board 2023/24

Each year on July 1st, a new Toastmasters year begins. At this time, a new club board is elected each year. Serving on the club board allows you to practice leadership skills in a trusting atmosphere. What do we do in detail? See here: The 7 Officer Roles in a Toastmasters Club
The Immediate Past President (Vorjahrespräsident) is the president of the previous year and assists the club board.
Board members:
President | Mona |
Vice-President Education | Carol |
Vice-President Membership | Jörn |
Vice-President Public relations | Peter |
Treasurer | Helga |
Secretary | Heike |
Sergeant-at-Arms | Peter |
Immediate Past President | Amalien |
Webmaster: Klaus, Ina |
Why did our members join Toastmasters? Each member has their own story. Read what led us to Toastmasters and what we appreciate about our Hedgehog Toastmasters Club. Here are some testimonials:

Helsinki was my Waterloo
“I came to Toastmasters because I wanted to learn something. This was preceded by an unfortunate experience in an international young entrepreneurs’ organization.”

Why didn’t I join sooner?
“After all the years that I really suffered from anxiety about speaking in public, I ask myself why I didn’t join Toastmasters sooner. ”

Exactly what I was looking for
“I joined the Toastmasters because I wanted to become more confident in public speaking.”

Great to get my English going again
“I had been a member of the German-speaking Toastmasters club for a few years when I had the desire to improve my English skills.”

New topics, new thoughts
“I learnt already how useful it is to have joined this club.”

What about you? What is your story?
Do you think Toastmasters could be right for you? Give it a try! Get in touch with us!