Reports and Pictures from 2012-2019

Summer Outing of The Joint Buxtehude And Stade Toastmasters
The Buxtehude Toastmasters’ Clubs had their annual summer outing on August 16 2019. After a late luncheon of coffee and cake the members went thusly sustained on a grueling 4km leg of “Boßeln”, an ancient Frisian tradition, akin to medieval Scottish golf, in order to work up an appetite for the following frolicking with barbecue and diverse libations. Everybody agreed it was a successful event. Rainer even went and bought his own private boßling set. Congrats!
Good Speeches Want Training – Ina Franke/Buxtehuder Tageblatt
Toastmasters: Appreciative Communication

Peter has received his DTM award (Distinguished Toastmaster). The DTM award represents the highest level of educational achievement in Toastmasters.
Bellydance Performance by The Outgoing President – TAGEBLATT – Lokalnachrichten aus der Stadt Buxtehude. – Tageblatt
Last Saturday we had our 25th Birthday Party. One of the highlights was the debate between the Stade-Toastmasters and the Hedgehog Toastmasters. Buxtehuder Tageblatt published these articles: “Das Duell der beiden hübschen Hansestädte”. Buxtehuder Tageblatt 27.11.2014: “Rededuell der Hansestädte”
Sponsoring a cinema chair
Since last Saturday I have been a sponsor of a new cinema chair at City-Kino Buxtehude. The chair will get a plate “”. For the sponsoring I got 20 cinema tickets. If you want to take part in this sponsoring, please let me know: you will receive cinema tickets at EUR 6,00.
The new chair will be installed in screen 2 – the hall, in which foreign-language films, special films for women or for other target audiences are presented. Screen 2 is also a kind of a repertory cinema.
“British Days” – Speakers’ Corner

Last Saturday “The British Days” had its finale. The Toastmasters in Buxtehude presented their “Rednerkiste” for the Speakers’ Corner. Jörg talked about giving and receiving smiles. Some Toastmasters tasted some sorts of whisky – and enjoyed it!
“Mind the Gap”

On the 17th of October John from the First Hanseatics in Hamburg and I had a great evening at the VHS Buxtehude – British Days. The participants got a thorough introduction to British life. We learned where the Brits keep their dead bodies and how to encounter Her Majesty. John showed the audience how to spoon soup and to fork peas. Peter
Stader Redenschwinger
On the 22nd of September the German speaking club “Stader Redenschwinger” had its demo-meeting. A lot of guests and Toastmasters from Stade, Buxtehude, Bremen, Bergedorf and Hamburg joined the meeting. Now the club is on the way to become a Toastmasters Club. All the Toastmasters are asked to support the club, especially by visiting the meetings and taking a role. If you like to deliver a speech, you are welcome! Please call Mona 04161-554485 or Peter 0172-4503552 or write an e-mail:
Club Visit in Buxtehude on Tuesday Aug 26th, 2014
As Area Governor, it is not only my role to support the presidents of Toastmasters Clubs, but also to pay them a visit every once in a while.
The visit to the Buxtehude Toastmasters on Tuesday Aug 26th, 2014 was very special. First of all: We laughed a lot! There was one prepared speech that everybody could relate to. This was also the feedback of the many guests the Buxtehuder’s warmly welcomed (including me). Some of them even volunteered for impromtu speaking – although it turned out the topics were a little challenging. But with the support of the Toastmasters and guests everybody did well.
As there was but one prepared speech, the Buxtehude Toastmasters had prepared some grammar exercises. They not just claim that you can keep your English alive – you actually do when joining them. Mostly by talking English and listening to English, but a little grammar session or exercise from time to time comes in handy.
Every piece of feedback given was friendly and constructive so all guests stressed they will come back – and I am one of them.
Thank you for having me with you. I look forward to catching up with you soon!
Summer in Stade
Last Saturday we were invited to join the summer party of the Toastmasters in Stade. We met at Heidy’s house and had a lot of fun. Henning, the magician, showed us that our next journey will go to the Area Conference in Lübeck – no way out! Elke and Gudrun demonstrated in their performance the beforehangingcastle. And Heidy helped us to reduce our body weight after we had had a delicious meal: We learned some dances.

Have you ever been wrestling…
finding the right English expression? Then come to the Hedgehog Toastmasters and join our meeting! So did two new guests this evening who followed the invitation placed in the press and who enjoyed an entertaining evening.
What a nice word of the day proposed by MARILOU: ‘Wrestle’ – and we were to use it heavily this evening…
HANS, in his role of the Toastmaster of the Evening, was moderating the meeting and started with the warm-up round about the infrastructure fee that is currently being discussed in the public.
MONA came up with a variety of easy as well as challenging table topics to train impromptu speeches. And also the new guests participated and gave 1-minute speeches spontaneously!
DORA had a new speech in store for us: Second Hand. It did not only capture our interest, but, as affirmed by the evaluator JUTTA was a really well-prepared story about time and how to make use of it best.
During the 10-minutes grammar session, we were wrestling direct into indirect speech under guidance of MONA.
PETER introduced us to ‘Semantic qualifiers’ – part 7 of his workshop about ‘Mental Flexibility’.
And we are happy to count again a new member who turns our club more international, too!

Summer Party
Last Saturday, the Hedgehog and Igel Toastmasters had a great summer party. We met at “Birkenhain”, Neukloster Forst. Everybody spent something to eat, to drink – we had a marvelous meal! We played some games and learned how the Vikings bowled in former times.
What a great idea to let flow the Hedgehog Toastmasters Meetings
WITHOUT SUMMER BREAK through the whole year !!
The best example was the Tuesday’s meeting( July 22,2014)
A small article in the newspaper: Keeping your English alive—
And 6 guests dropped.
JÖRG, Toastmaster of the Evening, filled the gap- no speeches-
In an excellent way, asking all participants- members and guests- for the reason being here- and what a question:
What would you do with 1 day free for holidays?
MONA trained the brain via Grammar Exercises:
Simple Past or Past Perfect ?
PETER with his Educational Session: Mental Flexibility-Mind Mapping-
showed how to present your Icebreaker easily.
DORA’s mixture of Table Topics was an offer for members and guests to answer spontaneously on RECKLESS DRIVING, CONSIDERATENESS,TEAMWORK,
What’s your BASE CAMP to reach your goal? Or only to talk about a jumping cracker.
A vivid, funny evening- 2 hours were running- and I think/ I hope, the seed for becoming a member will grow.
One guest ,JIM, signed already the application form for membership.
These articles are about our one and only Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) Dora. She’s got the highest award of Toastmasters International in 2012.
This is an article from the Stader and Buxtehuder Tageblatt: about the Area Contest Spring 2013 in Buxtehude: “Die Meister der kurzen Rede” with the President of the Igel Toastmasters 2012/2013 Inga-Marie Hoffmann. She won the Evaluation Contest and is going to proceed with the contest to the Division Contest in Bremen.
Peter’s High Performance Leadership Program was very successful. In 2012 he organized the First International Fairytale Festival in Buxtehude.
Here you find some articles about the Festival.
The Vice President Public Relations, Arne Gronemeier, makes an announcement about the Speakers´ Corner Event of the Toastmasters Buxtehude while standing on an Altländer applebox in front of the town hall Buxtehude.