Hooray… our first live meeting since 1,5 years:
On Tuesday, October 26th, 2021 the Hedgehog Toastmasters meet live at the Kulturforum Buxtehude!
And…… it’s Halloweeeen!
Let’s celebrate Halloween in a different way: without disguise -> role change only with words!
Slip into the role of a famous real or fictional personality: This can be a movie hero/ celebrity/ politician etc. Be e.g. James Bond and tell us about your life and your latest adventure.The motto applies to both prepared speeches and impromptu speeches. At the end of a speech, the audience will guess who has been presented.
Guests are welcome! If you want to come to the Kulturforum you should know that the 2G-rule is in force there.
Please find the agenda und more information here: https://toastmasters-buxtehude.de/next-meeting/