Find links to inspiring websites and videos as well as to other Toastmasters clubs in the region.

Toastmasters International
Our club belongs to Toastmasters International, a nonprofit educational organization with a global network of clubs.

English Theatre Buxtehude
The English Theatre cooperates with the VHS Buxtehude and the Kulturforum am Hafen e.V. Check out the current production!

TED talks
TED is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks (18 minutes or less).

Kulturforum Buxtehude
This is the place where we meet twice a month (unless there is a pandemic going on, then we meet online).

Debattierclub Buxtehude
In 2020 a German-speaking debating club was founded in cooperation with Toastmasters and the VHS Buxtehude.

On this website you will find many useful tips and tricks about English grammar and spelling, e.g. the infographic “44 Common Confusions”
Random Questions for the warm-up round
Hello Toastmasters of the evening! Looking for a question for the warm-up round? Then take a look at this website!

Online letter game, free to play
Guess the WORDLE in six tries. Each guess must be a valid five-letter word. Hit the enter button to submit. It´s a funny way to expand your vocabulary.
Other Toastmasters clubs in the area
There are numerous Toastmasters clubs around the world, and Toastmasters is also well represented in Northern Germany. Some clubs are German-speaking, some English-speaking and some bilingual. Each club has its own flair, its own personal touch, but the process and structure is the same everywhere. This makes it easy and pleasant to visit other clubs. We like to visit each other – it’s like visiting friends and you often get new ideas and inspiration for your own club.
IGEL Toastmasters Buxtehude (deutsch)
Stader Redenschwinger (deutsch)
First Hanseatic Hamburg (English)
Power Speakers Hamburg (English)
Hamburg Storytellers (bilingual)
Speech Contests

Once a year we have speech contests at Toastmasters:
1.) Club contest
2.) Area contest
3.) Division contest
4.) District contest
5.) World championship
We start with contests at the club level. These are usually held in February/ March. The best speakers qualify for the Area contest. Then we move on to Division level and District level. The highest competition is the World Championship, which is held every August. Each contest is appealing in its own way!
And these are the competitions:
- International speeches ( = prepared speeches, 5-7 min)
- Table topics (= impromptu speeches, 1-2 min)
- Evaluation speeches (= Who gives the best evaluation speech? 2-3 min)
How are the participants evaluated? What are the criteria? You can see it here in the judges´ ballots. They are officially used for the contests:
English speaking contests:
German speaking contests:
Winning speeches of Toastmasters World championships
Each year, thousands of Toastmasters, representing over 100 countries, battle for the title of World Champion of Public Speaking.
World champion 2023: Jocelyn Tyson
New Jersey, USA
Youtube Link to the winning speech 2023: “Have you been there?”
World champion 2022: Cyril Junior Dim
Wrocław, Poland
Youtube Link to the winning speech 2022: “Ndini”
World champion 2021: Verity Price
Cape Town, South Africa
Youtube Link to the winning speech 2021: “A good read”
World champion 2020: Mike Carr
Austin, Texas, USA
Youtube Link to the winning speech 2020: “The Librarian & Mrs. Montgomery”
World champion 2019: Aaron W. Beverly
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Youtube Link to the winning speech 2019: “An unbelievable story”
Would you like to stand on stage one day?
Would you like to improve your speaking skills or start developing them?